Grootfontein Straatmark
Volgende geleentheid: Vrydag 25 April, 2025
So maklik soos 1, 2, 3
1) Vul jou inskryfvorm in, betaal jou stalletjie
2) Stuur alles na primesteeljd@gmail.com & louie.prieska@gmail.com
3) Kom geniet die dag saam met ons!
Toegang is gratis, stalletjies kos N$150. Deelname is onderhewig aan die goedkeuring van die Grootfontein Skoukomitee. Die afsnydatum vir inskrywings van stalletjies is Vrydag 28 Februarie om 12:00 PM.
Grootfontein se boeremark is…
Tuisgebak, handgemaak en versigtig uitgesoek
Warm liefde geweef uit ouma se breiboek
Lekkernye, waar die plaas se hemel blou wag
Selfs niks gespaar aan die láát ure van die nag
Val gewaardeerde sente in eeltgewerkte hande
Dankbaar afgebid, soos reën op jou lande
Our Vision
The Boeremark organized by the Grootfontein Show Society is a way of giving back to and uplifting our community. It provides an opportunity for local farmers, churches, schools, crafters, bakers and artisans to showcase their unique products and earn something extra. We believe that this event can be of great value to the community, as it supports small, local businesses.
Moreover, the event is aimed as a fundraiser for the annual show, being held in September every year. By attending the farmers market, visitors not only get to enjoy everything locals has to offer, but also contribute to the success of the annual Grootfontein show. We are proud to organize this event and hope to see many members of the community come together and support this event.